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Saksede lige lidt: 
It is a Lion of St Mark jeton of Hans Kravwinckel 1 from Nuremburg Germany.He was master in 1562 and died in 1586.The legends are S MARCVS EVANGELLIST GOTT meaning Saint Mark,evangelist of God.On the reverse it says HANS KRAVWINCKEL NVRENBER which translates to Hans Krauwinckel,Nuremberg.On the obverse lion is holding the book of Gospels between his fore paws and on the reverse there is the Imperial orb surmounted by cross pattee within tressure
Nøgleord: Jeton RegnepennigKlik for at se fuld størrelse billede
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Saksede lige lidt:
It is a Lion of St Mark jeton of Hans Kravwinckel 1 from Nuremburg Germany.He was master in 1562 and died in 1586.The legends are S MARCVS EVANGELLIST GOTT meaning Saint Mark,evangelist of God.On the reverse it says HANS KRAVWINCKEL NVRENBER which translates to Hans Krauwinckel,Nuremberg.On the obverse lion is holding the book of Gospels between his fore paws and on the reverse there is the Imperial orb surmounted by cross pattee within tressure
Billede information
Tilføjet af:Jan M
Mål:Ø27, 2,92g
Fundet med:
XP Deus

Album navn:Regnepennige
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Nøgleord:Jeton Regnepennig
Vist:113 gange
 Hans Henrik Hansen [23. August 2014 kl. 07:02]
  Smuk. :tommel:

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