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 DetektorJernalder › Fibel - Udenfor kategori 
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I think this is a fibula. I found the second piece 5 meters from the first one.
Can anybody tell me a little more about it. Not sure if it´s medievel or older.
Billede information
Tilføjet af:Quito
Mål:6 cm x 4 cm
Fundet med:
XP Deus

Album navn:Fibel - Udenfor kategori
Foreslå et andet album. Klik her.
Vist:174 gange
 John Kristensen [15. September 2014 kl. 19:57]
  I personally do not think it is that old.. more like midt to late 1800. Hope im wrong.. show it to you local museum..
 Quito Perez [16. September 2014 kl. 03:38]
  Thanks John, I'll see if I can contact the right person from Roskilde museum.
 John Kristensen [15. September 2014 kl. 19:57]
  I personally do not think it is that old.. more like midt to late 1800. Hope im wrong.. show it to you local museum..
 Quito Perez [16. September 2014 kl. 03:38]
  Thanks John, I'll see if I can contact the right person from Roskilde museum.

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