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Can anybody tell me a little more about how old this one is?
There is a R on one side with a crown on top.
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Can anybody tell me a little more about how old this one is?
There is a R on one side with a crown on top.
Billede information
Tilføjet af:Quito
Mål:22 mm
Fundet med:
XP Deus

Album navn:Plomber
Foreslå et andet album. Klik her.
Nøgleord:Help ID this Kl�deplombe
Vist:468 gange
 John Kristensen [23. December 2014 kl. 16:38]
  Well it is not Old.. Photos is littel out of focus, so really difficult to get a lot of details to work with.. Is it a lobster ??
 John Kristensen [23. December 2014 kl. 17:40]
  Bedste bud lige nu er noget i denne stil - www.bagseals.org/galle...itemId=583
 Quito Perez [23. December 2014 kl. 17:41]
  Hi john,

Thanks for your reply. Sorry for the bad picture. Yes it is a lobster.
I tried to find anything in nordek without success. I'm not realty into seals, but this one was a lot bigger then the ones I normally find.
 Quito Perez [23. December 2014 kl. 18:06]
  Thanks John :tommel:
That's the one. I just compared it under a magnifier glass.
 Daniel Morville [23. December 2014 kl. 18:30]
  Gratz on the beautiful seal:-)
 Quito Perez [23. December 2014 kl. 18:39]
  Thanks Daniel :tommel:
 John Kristensen [23. December 2014 kl. 16:38]
  Well it is not Old.. Photos is littel out of focus, so really difficult to get a lot of details to work with.. Is it a lobster ??
 John Kristensen [23. December 2014 kl. 17:40]
  Bedste bud lige nu er noget i denne stil - www.bagseals.org/galle...itemId=583
 Quito Perez [23. December 2014 kl. 17:41]
  Hi john,

Thanks for your reply. Sorry for the bad picture. Yes it is a lobster.
I tried to find anything in nordek without success. I'm not realty into seals, but this one was a lot bigger then the ones I normally find.
 Quito Perez [23. December 2014 kl. 18:06]
  Thanks John :tommel:
That's the one. I just compared it under a magnifier glass.
 Daniel Morville [23. December 2014 kl. 18:30]
  Gratz on the beautiful seal:-)
 Quito Perez [23. December 2014 kl. 18:39]
  Thanks Daniel :tommel:

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