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Electrolysis stainless steel giftig som (+) pol
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Nikolas [Nikolas]

Indmeldt: Jul 16, 2006 Indlæg: 0 Gå til Profil Send en PM
Skrevet: Ons Nov 21, 2007 12:14 am Tråd: Electrolysis stainless steel giftig som (+) pol |
[html] Jeg læste lige på nettet at man IKKE skulle bruge<br />stainless steel som (+) i Electrolysis for det laver giftig vand og damp.<br />De nævner man skal bruge Jern istedet:<br />jeg kan ikke rigtig finde ud af om de mener bare et ganske nomalt stykke jern som(+) pol?<br />Nogen her der forstår det?<br />Kan man bare købe en normalt stykke jern og bruge det?The iron anode, or positive electrode, should be considered to be expendable and can be expected to rust as a result primarily of the presence of molecular oxygen combining with the iron. It is possible to use high grade stainless steel as an anode to reduce this, although the chromium present in stainless steel will produce poisonous chromium compounds in the electrolyte as it erodes which are considered dangerous and which will be illegal to dispose of down the drain in many areas. To be honest the cost simply isn't worth it anyhow as iron plate of a decent thickness will last some time, although if the idea of experimenting with truly inert anodes interests you, consider trying to locate graphite for this purpose or consider using the central anodes from dismantled zinc-carbon batteries, as these are made from this and although small, might be suitable for use with small artifacts. It is a good idea to avoid galvanised steel, as it is important that no zinc, nickel, copper or similar metals get into the solution, as otherwise some plating of the cathode may occur.<p>During the reduction process, the iron is deposited in a slightly porous, highly reactive form and will develop a coating of rust surprisingly quickly if left wet - in a matter of minutes in fact, so rapid drying and the application of a protective layer is important. Finally, it is worth mentioning that the electrolyte itself is not involved in the reaction other than to conduct electricity and to provide an alkaline environment, although the level may drop slightly because of losses due to evaporation and the break down of the water into its component gasses. If this happens to any degree, plain water should be added to replenish levels. The electrolyte may also become somewhat discoloured due to the rust products in suspension, especially if higher currents are used, although this doesn't affect the process at all and there is no need to change the solution unless you wish to for aesthetic reasons.<br /><a href="http://myweb.tiscali.co.uk/andyspatch/rust.htm">http://myweb.tiscali.co.uk/andyspatch/rust.htm</a></p> [/html]
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Nikolas [Nikolas]

Indmeldt: Jul 16, 2006 Indlæg: 0 Gå til Profil Send en PM
Skrevet: Ons Nov 21, 2007 1:53 am Tråd: Electrolysis stainless steel giftig som (+) pol |
Tak for den gode hjælp Wellbelove :)
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Nikolas [Nikolas]

Indmeldt: Jul 16, 2006 Indlæg: 0 Gå til Profil Send en PM
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Nick [nick]

Indmeldt: Sep 29, 2007 Indlæg: 0 Gå til Profil Send en PM
Skrevet: Ons Nov 21, 2007 2:54 am Tråd: Electrolysis stainless steel giftig som (+) pol |
Tak for godt link Nikolas...det må jeg lige forsøge mig med en dag ka jeg se :)
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Nikolas [Nikolas]

Indmeldt: Jul 16, 2006 Indlæg: 0 Gå til Profil Send en PM
Skrevet: Ons Nov 21, 2007 3:33 am Tråd: Electrolysis stainless steel giftig som (+) pol |
[html] Ja det smart med citron i stedet for syre<img src="{e_IMAGE}emotes/NDFsimple/smile.gif" style="border: 0px" alt="smile.gif" /><br />Fandt du noget godt idag Nick<img src="{e_IMAGE}emotes/NDFsimple/smile.gif" style="border: 0px" alt="smile.gif" /> [/html]
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Nick [nick]

Indmeldt: Sep 29, 2007 Indlæg: 0 Gå til Profil Send en PM
Skrevet: Ons Nov 21, 2007 5:29 am Tråd: Electrolysis stainless steel giftig som (+) pol |
nej jeg var ik ude i dag...tog lige en dags pause.
Mine albuer og skuldre er begyndt at værke, efter jeg næsten har gået 4timer hver dag siden jeg fik min detektor...hehe
Men har fundet nogle nye steder jeg ska ud og he hentet tilladelse her i morgen og de næste par dage.
Bla. en Kro der ik længere er der, hvor der kun er gjort et enkelt møntfund og så ude ved en landsby hvor det lader til at sejle i BM`er :)
Så jeg får nok at se til, hvis vejret ellers arter sig
Hva med dig??
Sys ik jeg ka finde noget skovupload i dag ;)
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Nikolas [Nikolas]

Indmeldt: Jul 16, 2006 Indlæg: 0 Gå til Profil Send en PM
Skrevet: Ons Nov 21, 2007 6:05 am Tråd: Electrolysis stainless steel giftig som (+) pol |
Ja kan sku også mærke det i det ene knæ- godt der snart kommer sne  Fandt selv en svensk 25 sølv øre i rgtig god stand fra 1800 tallet - jeg bare været for doven til oploade siste dage.
Lyder spændende med den kro og landsby :)
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