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Hjælp til undersøgelse af Leiden plombers udbredelse.
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John Kristensen [Danzigman]Medlem

Indmeldt: Aug 05, 2011
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IndlægSkrevet: Søn Feb 03, 2013 11:39 pm    Tråd: Hjælp til undersøgelse af Leiden plombers udbredelse. Besvar, med citat

Martijn I Neederland har en undersøgelse igang omkring Leiden plombers udbredelse i Skandinavien.. Han har i samarbejde med bagsealgalleriy ( ) udarbejdet denne tekst som jeg har lovet at poste.. Alle info om fund og også gerne fotos vil blive modtaget med glæde..
På forhånd tak for hjælpen - Mvh John.

Request for cloth seals from Leiden (Holland):

Since 1874 the museum known as ‘De Lakenhal’ has been situated in the historic center of Leiden. The building was originally known as the Laecken ' Halle ', a 17th-century city Palace that was the bustling center of the Leiden cloth trade. Originally built in 1641 by the architect Arent van' 's-Gravensande ' it is one of the finest examples of Dutch classicism. From 1641 up to the 19th century it housed the Board of Commerce and each weaver, dyer, fuller and draper was required to verify their work there. The cloths that passed inspection were stamped with a seal matrix onto attached lead seals. The collection of the museum contains hundreds of such seal matrices and seals dating from the 17th and 18th century. At the moment this collection is being photographed as part of an ongoing project but it will soon be made accessible on an online website.

However, there is still no accurate description of the matrices and it is therefore difficult to determine how complete the seal collection of Museum ‘De Lakenhal’ is. A typology-database of cloth seals is under development on the '' and it is hoped this will complete the documentation of the collection and the dating of the Leiden seals. To help with this more connections are wanted with other European forums, detectorist groups and archeologists.

By linking the matrices to the locations of the corresponding cloth seals a picture can be formed of the international scope of the Leiden textile industry. The ' De Lakenhal ' museum is due to undergo a major facelift in the coming years, but after this restoration and enlargement it is planned to tell the story behind the Leiden cloth seals in exactly the place from where they started their trip around the world: the former Laecken-Halle.

So: finders of Leiden cloth seals attention! Contribute to the research by sharing the information below. The results will be published on the ‘’.
1. image: a clear picture or photograph of the found cloth seal (front and back). If you repeatedly found one type at the same location you might send one picture with the amount of cloth seals you found at that site. This may say more about the trade of certain materials in certain places (e.g. in one place might be found more bombazine seals, which may indicate a more labour-oriented place, while elsewhere might be found more seals for the luxury cloth, which may indicate a more trade-oriented place).
1bombazine is a fabric which is used for work clothes
2. The dimensions in mm of the cloth seal, so that the seal can be linked to matrices in the
3. The global location, including province/county. Of course, this data is carefully handled.
4. Background information on history of the place (if known).
5. Information of other finds found at the same location, such as: pipes (if you don't have a manual for pipe brands, then we would like to receive a photo of the (brand)marks of the pipe), coins (period 1400-1800), tokens, (coin) weights, cloth seals from other places, shards of pottery, etc. This information can help with the dating of the cloth seals, particularly helpful with older lead because not all stamps for these are known. Other finds made at the same location, can also say something about the economic backgrounds of places and the social status of a city and thus possibly something about the export position of cloth seals from Leiden.

You can send information to: lakenlood @

Additional information: the oldest seals of Leiden have a single (1) key on the seal. Also bombazine seals are known with a Golden Fleece on it and at the other side a crowned L or a lion. There are also seals known with an @ (at) on them.
Kind regards and thanks in advance,
Arti Ponsen, a volunteer researcher and amateur historian active in the museum ' De Lakenhal '
Martijn Schaftenaar (amateur metaldetectorist from Holland and moderator cloth seals at:

Internet homepage ' De Lakenhal ', Leiden:
Overview of cloth seals (sorry until now it’s in Dutch, but maybe your able to use it to determine some of your cloth seals): www.muntenbodemvondste...ic=59244.0

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